Saturday, August 17, 2013
Types Of Computer Software
1> System Software
Ms. Dos
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Windows ME
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
2> Application Software
Ms. - Word Ms -Excel
Ms - Paint
Photoshop3> Utility software
Pc tool
Defination Of Mouse
Mouse is the scroll device which was firstly used macks computer & that time it was called track ball.
Types of mouse according to mechanism:-
1) Scroll mouse:-Sense the mouse with the help of scroll.
2) Optical Mouse: - Sense the mouse with the help of sensor.
Interfacing of Mouse
PS/2 Mouse: - 6 Pin Connector (green Color)
USB Mouse: - 4 Contact
Serial Mouse: - 9 Pin
Signal for Mouse pin configuration is same as K/B configuration.
Troubleshooting of Mouse
1) Cable Block
2) Dusting
3) Bad Micro switch
Testing of Mouse
Multimeter Red Wire (Mo use Pins) Black Wire (Mouse ckt)
Micro switch Testing with the help of Beep
Repairing Tools
1) Liner Set
2) Soldering station
3) Soldering Wire
4) Flux
5) Tweezers
6) Overhead Lamp
7) Part Organizers
What Is Internet ?
Defination Of Internet ?
The internet is global connection of computer and computer network that exchange information.
What Is Ms. Power Point ?
Defination of Ms. Power Point :-
Power Point is a presentation Software, we can make a slide, desire, formatting set animation set sound set effect in particular slide. This is mostly used in display project over view display Program by this PowerPoint it is develop by Microsoft Corporation U.S.A.
What Is Excel ?
Defination of Excel :-
Excel is a business performance simulation spread sheet package, which allows build the mathematical relationship between rows and column. A speed sheet consist rows and columns, rows are number 65536 and column are 256. we can prepare graph, sheet, result and other useful data.
What Is Ms. Words?
Defination of Ms. Word :-
Ms.Word is one of the most powerful and Popular Processing Program. In this program we can type, edit, view, insert, format and print the document in various formats. It is mostly used to type letters, newsletters, thesis etc.
Tribhuvan University Private Mpa 1st Year Subjet and Subject Code
1) Fundamental of Public Administration (510) 2) Development Management (520) 3) Public Policy (530) 4) Research Method in Public Adminis...