Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Full Form of Computer
* C-Common,
* O- Operating,
* M-Machine,
* P-Process,
* U-User,
* T-Technology,
* E-Education,
* R-Re-search
How to save (burn) document in cd?
* First of all copy your document
* Open my computer and then open cd rom then paste your document
* Click on file menu
* Click on write these file to CD
* Then display dialog box will be apear Type your CD Name
* Click on next
* At last click on finish.
Run Command of Basic Program Open
Microsot word :- winword
Power point :- powerpnt
Calculator:- calc
Movie maker:- moviemk
Window media player:- wmplayer
C Drive:- c:
Generation of computer
Second Generation:- (1959-1964) Trangister
Third Generation :-(1965-1974) IC (Integrated circuit)
Fourth Generation:-(1975-1990) LSI (Large scale integrated circuit) & VLSI (very large scale integrated circuit)
Fiveth Generation :-1991-Current time
Tribhuvan University Private Mpa 1st Year Subjet and Subject Code
1) Fundamental of Public Administration (510) 2) Development Management (520) 3) Public Policy (530) 4) Research Method in Public Adminis...